AIPMT 2012 Exam Pattern
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CBSE Delhi, would be holding the All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination, 2012. This entrance examination is being conducted exclusively for the 15% merit positions for the Medical/Dental Colleges of India as specified in the directive of the court and will be governed by the rules and regulations specified for the same by the Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare from time to time.The entrance examination consists of the following two levels:
- Preliminary Examination: The Preliminary Examination would consist of one paper containing 200 objective type questions (four options with single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) to be answered on the specially designed machine-gradable sheet using Ball Point Pen only. The duration of paper would be 3 hours.
- Final Examination: (Only for those who qualify in the Preliminary Examination). The Final Examination would consist of one paper containing 120 objective type questions (four options with single correct answer) from Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany & Zoology) to be answered on the specially designed machine-gradable sheet using Ball Point Pen only. The duration of paper would be 3 hours.
Schedule of the Examination:
- Preliminary Examination : 01-04-2012 (Sunday)
- Final Examination : 13-05-2012 (Sunday)
Language Of The Question Paper
Candidates can opt for Question Papers either in English or in Hindi. This option should be exercised while filling in the Application Form. It cannot be changed later. Candidates opting for English would be provided Test Booklet in English only and the candidates opt for Hindi would be provided Test Booklet inboth Hindi and English, i.e., Bilingual.
Following constitutes the essential information related to the pattern of the exam:
- There will be four alternatives for each of the question numbering 001 to 200 in Preliminary Examination and 001 to 120 in Final Examination. The candidate will indicate his/her response to the question by darkening the appropriate circle completely with Ball Point Pen.
- The candidates must fully satisfy themselves about the accuracy of the answer before darkening the appropriate circle as no change in answer once marked is allowed. Use of eraser or white fluid on the Answer Sheet is not permissible as the Answer Sheets are machine gradable and it may lead to wrong evaluation.
(a) Each item carries 4 marks. For each correct response the candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect response one mark will be deducted from the total score. No deduction from the total score will, however, be made if no response is indicated for an item in the answer sheet. The candidates are advised not to attempt such item in answer sheet, if they are not sure of the correct response. More than one answer indicated a question will be deemed as incorrect response and will be negatively marked.
(b) For the purpose of evaluation, the Test Booklet code as printed in the Answer Sheet on side-2 will be accepted as final.
- The Central Board of Secondary Education will prepare the lists of successful candidates of Preliminary Examination and Final Examination on the basis of the eligibility criteria provided by the Medical Council of India.
- In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal marks in the Final Examination, the inter-se-merit of such candidates shall be determined in order of preference as follows:
(a) Candidates obtaining higher marks in Biology (Botany & Zoology) in the entrance examination.
(b) Candidates obtaining higher marks in Chemistry in the entrance examination.
(c) Candidates securing higher marks in Preliminary Examination will be preferred.
(d) Candidates older in age to be preferred.
- The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct the AIPMT Preliminary and Final Examination, evaluate the Answer Sheets and declare the result as per following details:
(i) The result of Preliminary Examination will be declared by the IIIrd week of April, 2012 and the same will be hosted on Board’s website. Candidates qualified for the Final Examination need to download a separate admit card indicating new roll number and other relevant details from the website.
(ii) The result of Final Examination will be declared by 1st week of June, 2012 and the same will be hosted on Board’s website. Board will prepare the merit list/ wait list as per the directives of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, DGHS and MCI. There will be no separate result list of SC/ST candidates. As soon as the result is ready, CBSE will host the results on the website and thereafter candidates placed in merit/wait list may download the Rank letters.
- Pattern For Both Preliminary & Final Examinations
(i) Fifteen minutes before the commencement of the Test each candidate will be given sealed Test Booklet.
(ii) Immediately on receipt of the Test Booklet the candidates will fill in the required particulars on the cover page of the Test Booklet with Ball Point Pen only. He/She will not open the Test Booklet until asked to do so by the invigilator.
(iii) Five minutes before the commencement of the Test, the candidate will be asked to break/ open the seal of the Test Booklet. He/She will take out the Answer Sheet carefully. The candidate should check carefully that the Test Booklet Code printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as printed on Test Booklet. In case of discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet.
(iv) Candidate will then write particulars with ball point pen on both the sides. After completing this step the candidate will wait for the signal by the invigilator.
(v) After completing the Test and before handing over the Answer Sheet, the candidate should check again that all the particulars required in the Answer Sheet have been correctly written and marked.
- Pattern For Filling Answer Sheet
(i) The Answer Sheet will be found placed inside the sealed Test Booklet. The seal will be broken/ opened by the candidate on the announcement by the invigilator and only then the Answer Sheet shall be taken out. Do not open/break the seal before the announcement.
(ii) Side-2 of each Answer Sheet will have a pre-printed Test Booklet Code A, B, C and D. The candidates are required to check that the Test Booklet code pre-printed on SIDE-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as printed on the Test Booklet.
(iii) The format of the Answer Sheet will be found placed inside the Test Booklet.
(iv) The Answer Sheet used will be of special type which will be scanned on Optical Scanner. There will be two sides of the Answer Sheet:
(a) Side 1 This side of the Answer Sheet contains the following columns which are to be filled in neatly and accurately by the candidate with Blue/Black ball point pen only. Use of pencil on OMR sheet is not allowed. OMR sheet filled in with pencil would be summarily rejected for evaluation.
(i) Roll Number
(ii) Name of the candidate
(iii) Father’s Name
(iv) Centre Number
(v) Name of the Examination Centre
(vi) Signature of the candidate
(b) Side 2 This side of the Answer Sheet contains the following columns which are also to be filled in by the candidate with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only:
(i) Roll Number
(ii) Centre Number
(iii) Test Booklet Number
(iv) Question 001 to 200/Question 001 to 120
Each column corresponds to the serial number of question given in the Test Booklet. With each column there are four circles which correspond to the four alternative responses, one of which is correct or most appropriate.
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